About Genius Coffee
At Genius Coffee, we are crazy about coffee! All our coffee beans undergo intensive testing and quality control to the highest standards to create the perfect coffee experience you deserve.

We only offer Specialty-Grade coffee.
In the world of coffee, beans are categorized into commercial-grade coffee and specialty-grade coffee. Specialty-grade coffee scores above 80 points on a 100-point SCAA grading scale, anything below is regarded as commercial-grade coffee. Grades are given based on the color of the green coffee, amount of defective beans within a fixed quantity of beans, uniformity in size and shape, grown altitude, soil quality, harvest season, etc. At Genius Coffee, all coffee beans are strictly specialty-grade so you can be rest assured that our green beans are top quality in the coffee world.

Unparalleled freshness from farm to cup.
All coffee beans at Genius Coffee are sourced directly from coffee farms to our roasting facility at Genius Coffee. Our rule for freshness is simple, all green coffee beans must be roasted within 9 months from the date of harvest. This ensures the flavor and sweetness are kept within the beans before roasting and brought out into the flavor profile during roasting. We recommend consuming our coffee beans 6 months from its roasting date for optimal flavor and freshness.

Perfect roast in every bag, perfect coffee in every cup.
All Genius coffee beans are roasted internally by our Genius Coffee Roasters. Before roasting, our beans are hand-filtered to remove defects within the green coffee beans. Then, the coffee beans are sieved out in a Green Coffee Sieve to ensure consistent beans screen sizes. Then, we double check the freshness of the beans through a moisture-density test and ensure it is within our quality control range. Finally, our beans are mixed into the coffee bean loader for roasting. Our roast profiles undergo intensive trial and errors through small parameter tweaks such as temperature, heat level, exhaust level, drum rate (RPM), etc, to find the perfect beans formula and roast level.